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Inequalities and Families: Childhood as a Homeland

The Research Group on Human Capital invites you to attend its third workshop, which will be held on Friday, April 15, 2016, at the University of Quebec in Montreal. Eight academic researchers will present recent work. The presentations will primarily feature empirical research using microeconometric models, with a particular emphasis on questions of identification of causal effects. The workshop is intended to promote discussion and exchanges on the theme of inequalities and the family, broadly speaking, with a special interest in the role of public policies and interventions and their potential to equalize opportunities. Childhood shapes future adults’ lives, for example through parental investments, education policies and social interactions. Topics covered in this workshop include human capital formation, intergenerational transmissions, well-being, family policies and social inequalities. The workshop is open not only to academics (professors, researchers, graduate students), but also to administrators and policymakers as well as to officials from governmental institutions with an interest in the topic.

The workshop will take place at the University of Quebec in Montreal, building Président-Kennedy, 201 Président-Kennedy Avenue (Place-des-Arts metro station), room PK-1140, from 8:55 AM to 4:30 PM.

Registration (including lunch) is free but mandatory.

Workshop schedule

