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14e Emerging Excellence Conference


- Online Conference -

April 23, 29 & 30, 2021 


Every year, the Quebec inter-University Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS) showcases the talents of up-and-coming researchers, giving several of them a chance to present work carried out for degree requirements and made possible by data that is available at QICSS. 

The Emerging Excellence Conference (formerly the New Researchers conference) was held on April 23, 29 & 30, 2021, in the form of lunch-hour webinars. The webinars have provide an opportunity to present, and interact over, work conducted by the top researchers of the future in social statistics and health. 

  • April, 23 | Nutrition and health 
  • April, 29 | Work and retirement 
  • April, 30 | Crime, Justice and Environment


Nutrition and health | April 23, 2021
12:00pm - 13:30pm

Click here to watch the webinar

12:00pm  :  Welcoming remarks

12:05pm - 12:25pm : La taxation des boissons sucrées au QuébecKrystel Poirier, Sciences économiques, ESG UQAM

12:25pm - 12:45pm : Carbon footprint of Canadian self-selected diets: comparing intake of food groups, nutrients, and diet quality among low- and high-GHGE dietsOlivia Auclair, Animal Science, McGill University

12:45pm -  13:05pm : Appendicectomie et maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin : effet de l’âge et du temps écoulé post-appendicectomieCanisius Fantodji, Épidémiologie et Biostatistique, INRS

13:05pm : Question period

13:30pm : Closing Remarks


Work and retirement | April 29, 2021
12:00pm - 13:30pm

Click here to watch the webinar

12:00pm : Welcoming remarks

12:05pm - 12:25pm : Les retraités au Canada : portrait comparatif selon le statut d’immigrantRafael Silva-Ramirez, Démographie, Université de Montréal

12:25pm - 12:45pm Work Flexibility and Absenteeism : A Two Stage Residual Inclusion ApproachIbrahima Diallo, Économique, Université Laval

12:45pm - 13:05pm Financial Literacy and the Timing of Tax-Preferred Savings Account WithdrawalsMarianne Laurin, Gestion, HEC Montréal

13:05pm : Question period

13:30pm : Closing Remarks


Crime, Justice and Environment | April 30, 2021
12:00pm - 13:30pm

Click here to watch the webinar

12:00pm : Welcoming remarks

12:05pm - 12:25pm The Trial Penalty in CanadaBrendyn Johnson, Criminologie, Université de Montréal

12:25pm - 12:45pm Influence de l’accès aux espaces verts et du niveau de végétation des milieux locaux sur la perpétration de la violence dans les relations amoureuses chez les adolescents au QuébecPaul Rodrigues, Santé et société, UQAM ** Best Presentation Award **

12:45pm- 13:05pm Natural disasters and individual economic performance: Evidence from the Slave Lake wildfirePhilippe Kabore, Economics, University of Ottawa

13:05pm : Question period

13:30pm : Closing Remarks

End date
